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BA Football

Athletic Booster Club

Supporters of  Academy of the Sacred Heart and Berchmans Academy athletics are committed to the transformative opportunities available to Sacred Heart students through sports.  Each year, student athletes of all ages compete on school sponsored teams. 


The members of the Athletic Booster Club contribute to the continued growth and success of our Sacred Heart athletic program.  Every contribution to the Athletic Booster Club, whether in time or resources, directly benefits our student athletes in ways that directly align with our 5 Goals of Sacred Heart education.  Our students learn to work together, build community, resolve confilct, develop persistence, strengthen personal responsibility, and learn to demonstrate Christ's love both in victory and defeat.

Booster Club Membership


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sacred heart booster club officers

Adam Barousse, Co-President

Travis Callais, Co-President

Kristie Callais, Vice President

D'Lane Thomas, Secretary