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Berchmans Primary (PreK - Grade 4)

At Berchmans Academy, our Primary classes form a community of boys and faculty who join together daily to pray, share, learn, and grow.  The school is under the Berchmans Division Head who prepares an environment in which each child comes to see himself as both a unique individual and a valued member of the community.  The Division Head works with the children, teachers, and parents to ensure positive, growth-producing experiences for all.

Primary Grades (PreK 3 - Grade 4)

Primary Administration

Angie Boagni                                    division head

Chris Garvey
dean of students

charlotte lahaye, 
Ed.D, NBCT       
curriculum coordinator                

Coastal Roots

As good stewards of our Earth, Prep and Primary students work together on their LSU Coast Roots project.  Each year, they grow indigenous trees from seeds to be later used to preserve our Louisiana coastline.  It's Goal III (Service and Stewardship) in action!